Wednesday, October 29, 2014

national cat day

it's national cat day in case you hadn't noticed.  my entire instagram feed is cats which is totally fine with me.  i can't miss this perfect opportunity to brag about my own little fur baby, Shelly.

she is the raddest little kitty on the planet.  she's wild, quirky, cuddly and sweet.  she enjoys chasing strings, biting balloons and sleeping on shoes.

she is the best and i love her to death.  happy cat day, Shelly.  not that you'll read this because you're a cat.  ya know.

Monday, October 27, 2014

monday funday

happy monday everyone!  it is a random beautiful day here in burlington, like 73 degrees in october.  really?  how does that happen?

need some music for you monday?  i'll be listening to this song over and over and over and over and over today.

Friday, October 24, 2014

boyfriend birthday

this is my charming, funny, sweet, cuddly boyfriend.  today is his day of birth, today he is old.

he is the one i crave, the one i love, my dear boyfriend.  happy birthday schweetie.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

mr. az

remember when i said to expect more concert posts?  i was dead serious. jason mraz graced us with his presence in milwaukee last friday and i loved every minute of it. 

first we wandered to conejito's place for dinner down on virginia street in MKE for enchiladas.  this place is a dream!  i want to go back tomorrow.  it was so delicious plus your food is served on paper plates.  that is a sure sign of great food. 

then, we were off to our usual stomping grounds, the riverside theater for jason.  he had a band named raining jane opening/backing him all night.  they were the most talented group of ladies i've ever seen.  they all played multiple instruments, sang beautifully and generally kicked ass.  at one point the bass player brought out a sinter.  i mean really!  you go girl, get down wit yo bad self.

on the right you can see sintar lady.  so cool.

and of course, jason's voice was like butter.  he is so obviously talented in every way.  why am i not his BFF?  i mean really.  
i give him ten stars out of five.  go see him!

did i mention that this little ray of sunshine is living with the boyfriend and i?  who needs tv when you have a wild kitty for amusement who is a very talented yoga instructor.  

one more concert to go!  we can do it!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

1 piano + 1 cello

apparently this blaawwg is now exclusively doing concert reviews? sure seems like it. 
i'm just kidding guys! we're on a serious concert kick at the moment so expect a few more posts before we go back to my normal, unscheduled ramblings. 

we once again, as always, headed to the riverside theater in milwaukee, this time to see...the piano guys!  their name is a little misleading, it's actually one piano dude and one cello dude, rocking it! they mostly do instrumental covers of popular songs that are pimped out.  
here is an example!

super awesome right?  you can't beat a flying piano, you just can't! they also did a combo song of tay-tay swift and coldplay that was very dreamy. 

here's a selfie of the whole gang. it was a good night.  lots of laughs and too many beers. the usual.

i'm not sure how much they are touring and i had never heard of them until my motha got us tickets.  keep your eyes open if you're interested otherwise, check out their youtube page.

happy sunday!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


yes, i am alive!  this sickness has kicked my booty and in the midst of it we saw the amazing santana in milwaukee.  we first made a stop at mo's irish pub for beers and those delicious rueben shalaylees.  

we ventured over to the riverside theater with our full bellies to take in the tunes of santana.  apparently he's like 68 years old!  his music has a really great spanish flare which makes all the senior citizens salsa dance.  and by salsa dance, i mean do a little jig and the most awkward way possible.  it was a damn good time.  my father, the dancing queen, was all over it.

happy sunday, if you need me i'll be camped on the couch with the kitty and pizza.
also i've been pinning like a crazy person.  you can find my pinterest HERE.

over and out.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

sore throats and fall leaves

yes, i made it home from camping alive, but not well.  over the weekend a nasty cold has taken over.  the boyfriend and i have been in sick mode for the last two days.  lots of tea, soup, ibuprofen and kitty cuddles! 

i didn't take any pictures while we were out in the wilderness but, my mother was just up north in three lakes at our cabin where she snapped some gorgeous pictures of the turning trees.

i mean really, doesn't this look photoshopped?  so gorgeous.  get your scarves and boots out because it is fall!  

do any of you folks know a remedy for sore throats?  we're dying over here.

Friday, October 3, 2014

camping done wrong

i'm going camping this weekend with the boyfriend, his family and a few friends.  the problem is..the high for tomorrow is 44 degrees with morning rain and snow.  SNOW.

send spiked hot chocolate and leg warmers.

here are my coordinates:  4783918753, 4903284932

those aren't actual coordinates.

update to follow.  if i survive.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

summer off, autumn on

so, i pseudo abandoned this blog for the summer (just kidding, it was way more than summer).  but really, honestly, i had a shit ton of shit going on then.  let me summarize.

you may recall that my dear grandpa (Papa) was having some health issues.  i wrote a little something about it all back then, find it HERE.  well, that battle is over, he passed away in late May.  i think we're all starting to feel ok about it.

my RN job continues to be stressful but, i'm getting the hang of it.  i almost feel like a seasoned veteran, kind of, sort of, not really.

the boyfriend and i made the leap!  no, not that leap.  we have our own little apartment together.  no murders have occurred so i would call it a far.
we also have our little kitty friend, Shelly, living with us.  you may begin mentally preparing yourself for cat pictures everywhere!

the boyfriend's brother got married! yay for Devin and Sarah.

our close friends, B and Kes, got engaged a few months ago.  well done!

my brother has a new lady friend who is lovely.  we all approve.

i made buffalo chicken wings for dinner tonight.  pat on the back for me.

and that's all i can recall from the last few months.  i'll probably think of more things later but i'm only half paying attention to what i'm writing.  the packers are playing and currently kicking ass!

go pack, go!